Oct 1, 2011

3rd Friday of October as COOPERATIVE DAY in MIAGAO

This year's Cooperative Day is on October 21 as per Municipal Ordinace No. 07-2009 declaring 3rd Friday of October as COOPERATIVE DAY in MIAGAO.

The purpose of enactment are as follows:

1. To raise consciousness of the people to join the cooperative movement and uphold the principles and values of cooperativism.

2. To create public awareness about the sector’s modest contribution in the area of development.

3. To open opportunity in indoctrinating the value of unity and participation among stakeholders and discuss ways and means to further the growth and development of cooperatives.

4. To provide a venue of interaction and sharing of success stories with other cooperatives through the Principles of Cooperation among Cooperatives.

5. To provide a system for advocating policies in creating an environment conducive to the growth and development of cooperatives.

6. An venue to discover the potentials of cooperative members and officers as well as students particularly the intellectual capacity about the ideology of cooperativism, entrepreneurship, leadership, and other related fields in achieving effective and efficient operation and management of cooperatives as a business and social enterprises

7. To gather stakeholders and create a venue to renew their commitment and support through internalizing the ideology of cooperativism in achieving social change.

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