Nov 25, 2008

Sari Sari Breadstore on its 10th year anniversary of underpaying their employees

Succesful franchise business in the Philippines are those who can keep their head afloat even during hard times. This means that it should NOT underpay your workers just to get your profit safely into your cash register.

If you ask any employees of Sari Sari about how much they receive as employees, chances are as almost the same in Iloilo or Miagao alone, that they only receive ranging 1,200 to 1,500 pesos a month. Yes, you read that right. Actually you dont have to ask them that, they are emaciated, underfed, overworked and understaff.

Businesses like not paying a minimum wage has no right at all to stay in business.


  1. I checked with Sari-sari and it turns out your figures aren't even half of their actual pay. Maybe the one you asked is only a part-timer?

  2. If you can't specify an actual amount that's bullshit. Truth to the matter is, Sari-Sari pays their employees way below the minimum wage.

  3. Why don't you go directly to the source and complain?

  4. why dont you just create your own blog and justify the way below minimu wage, you'll get enormous comments you could ever imagine

  5. Maybe you should start a blog that explains the government's way of running the country not the businesses affected by it. Educate yourself in the ratio between earnings and taxes then maybe you'd understand better. Better yet start your own business and tell me how it goes.

  6. Check your sources regarding the figures.

    You'd be better off being a side editor-in-chief in a tabloid than in a decent paper because all the "information" you gathered are practically useless and misleading.


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